Organization with purpose
The economic environment has changed considerably in recent years, and the expectations of employees and communities are growing ever higher. Financial performance is no longer enough. Companies must also fulfill their responsibility to employees, customers and the communities in which they operate. Defining a company’s raison d’être has become a key element in ensuring its success. It positions the company in relation to its customers and its environment. It defines its responsibilities and gives the company a long-term vision to pursue.
Gone are the days when a company’s raison d’être was limited to a fine written document. Companies are judged on the fit between their raison d’être and their actions.
A lived raison d’être is a differentiating factor for customers, creates a motivating environment for employees and helps attract talent. When everyone in the company understands the raison d’être and how the company creates value, it gives the organization an “esprit de corps”.
A purpose gives consistency
In a company that has defined and lives its raison d’être, every employee knows the reason for his or her work, the impact of his or her work on the company’s value creation, and therefore his or her contribution to customers. In this way, they can be the driving force behind improvements to their work, a source of ideas for serving customers better and making a positive contribution to society.
An employee for whom his or her work has meaning is a motivated employee who knows why he or she comes to work every day.
Empowerment and involvement
With everyone aware of the purpose of their work and its impact on the value chain, decisions can be taken as close to the job as possible. The spirit of initiative, experimentation and collaboration to improve not only one’s own work, but also to ensure efficient operations to serve customers better and increase the organization’s efficiency are encouraged.
Everyone, at every level of the company, feels responsible for the quality, efficiency and sustainability of their work, and involved in the company’s development.
It focuses and unifies
Having an innovative force in the company is one thing, but it doesn’t have to go in all directions. A raison d’être provides a long-term vision. It sets a course to be followed by everyone at every level of the organization, and defines, through governance, the behavior expected of everyone. It also positions the organization in the community. It is a safeguard against actions that could harm the organization, its customers or the community.
From the raison d’être flows the strategy. The company’s operational objectives are then aligned with the strategy. They are thus consistent throughout the organization, facilitating cooperation between departments. Everyone’s energy is pooled to ensure the company’s success.
It considers the system as a whole
Rationale coupled with a systems approach ensures that relationships and interconnections within the organization are taken into account when making decisions. It avoids a “silo” attitude.
Information flows smoothly through the organization, ideas for improvement are shared between departments, and cross-functional projects are a matter of course. The impact on the organization as a whole is a systematic consideration in decision-making.
- Systemic approach
- Fluid information
- Communication, transparency
- Roles and structure based on purpose
- Delegation and responsibility for decisions
- Alignment with strategy
- Business Reporting
- Customer-focused
MY JOB, A “shit-job”? REALLY?
This article “MY JOB, A “shit-job”, REALLY?” was inspired by discussions with young people in their first job. Some consider their first job as a “shit-job”, a job without meaning. Questioning your organization, making sure that it is based on a raison d’être will allow everyone to find a meaning to their job.