« MONOZUKURI in practive, schieving marstery»
Steven Blom, ISBN 978-90-807466-8-8 / #ORGANISATION, #LEAN
After a career at Mars, Johnson&Johnson and as the first production manager of Fuji Photo Film in Tilburg, The Netherlands, he founded Blom Consultancy where he has helped hundreds of companies implement Lean and World Class Manufacturing
Extract from the book:
“Passion for:
- Mono: That which is made (the thing)
- Zukuri: The making (the process of making).
Work makes people happy if:
- they feel that their activities are meaningful
- they know that their talent and commitment are appreciated
- they feel that their contribution is valued by their group.
In short, if they know that they are seen and heard, and gain respect and prestige.”
This book introduces you to the Monozukuri philosophy.
« REINVENTING ORGANIZATIONS – Vers des communautés de travail inspirées»
Frédéric Laloux, ISBN 978-2-35456-105-5 / #ORGANISATIONS, #ORGANISATION EVOLUTIVE / Verfügung in EN/FR/DE
An original approach to the evolution over time of business organization models. Frédéric Laloux proposes 7 stages: reactive (infrared), magical (magenta), impulsive (red), conformist (amber), successful (orange), pluralistic (green) and evolutionary (opal). The “conformist” and “evolutionary” stages coexist in our organizations.
Becoming aware of one’s management type is the first step to developing one’s leadership. Frédéric Laloux’s book is well documented and offers many examples, practical advice and stories.
If you wish to learn more about this approach, videos made by Frédéric Laloux are available on his website:
BEYOND REENGINEERING – How the process-centered organization is changing our work and our lives »
Michael Hammer, ISBN 0-88730-880-5 / #ORGANISATION, #PROCESS-CENTERED / Verfügung in EN/FR
This book was written in 1997 by Michael Hammer, the founder of business process reengineering. Companies are more than a collection of processes, products or people. They are like mini-societies with their own culture and structure.
“The shape of the twenty-first century company is becoming clear. It will be organized around process rather than functions. Managers will coach and design rather the supervise and control. Employees will be process performers rather than task workers, with a broad understanding of their process and their company. The company itself will be a dynamic, flexible organization filled with entrepreneurial zeal and focused sharply o customer needs. It will be an organization whose every employee is important, wirer people are treated as assets, not as expenses.” Extract from the book.
Even today, this book is a source of inspiration. Parallels can be drawn with holocracy and agility.
Kiyoshi Suzaki, ISBN 978-1-4516-2424-3 / #LEAN
Excellent manual for production. This book presents the lean philosophy and gives a lot of examples, illustrations and checklists. The book deals concretely with the implementation of an improvement culture or how to go from a fragile to a robust system.
“We have measured the new technological and economic challenges. We know that the intelligence of a few technocrats – even very bright ones – has become totally inadequate to face these challenges. Only the intellect of all employees can permit a company to live with the ups and downs and meet the requirements of its new environment.” Konosuke Matsushuta from a speech given to US business executives 1988 (Extract from the book p. 5)
« THE GOLD MINE – a novel of lean turnaround »
Freddy Ballé et Michael Ballé. ISBN 0-9743225-6-3 / #LEAN / Verfügung in EN/FR
The originality of this book is the format. The lean transformation is presented in the form of a novel. Phil’s company is on the edge of bankruptcy. Products are too expensive, archaic technology, inefficient operations, management problems, overcapacity, high inventories to ensure deliveries, production stops due to missing parts, … Phil is going to be helped by a friend’s father who is an expert in Lean to get his company back on its feet.
This book not only illustrates the implementation of lean techniques, but also presents the human challenge of such an approach.
« VISUAL WORKPLACE – Visual thinking »
Gwendolyn D. Galsworth, ISBN 978-1-138-68468-3 / #QUALITY, #VISUAL MGMT
Gwendolyn D. Galsworth is President and Founder of Visual Thinking Inc. and a consultant and thought leader in the field of visualization in the workplace.
- Visual management is about the self: “What do I need to know? What do I need to share?”.
- It is about making the invisible visible at the workplace: “What do I see and what does it mean? What do I not see and what does it mean?”
- Visual management should help to solve chronic, complex and costly problems in a systematic way.
This book is full of examples.
« TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM -Beyond large Scale Production »
Taiichi Ohno, ISBN 0-915299-14-3 / #LEAN Verfügung in EN/DE
Did you know that the Kanban method was inspired by supermarkets?:
“Commodities purchased by customers are checked out through the cash register. Cards that carry information about the types and quantities of commodities bought are then forwarded to the purchasing department. Using this information, commodities taken are swiftly replaced by purchasing. These cards correspond to the withdrawal kanban in the TPS. In the supermarket, the commodities displayed in the store correspond to the inventory at the production plants.” extract from the book.
In the last chapter of his book, Mr. Ohno puts the Ford system and the Toyota system in perspective.
Taylor, Frederick Winslow 1856-1915 / #QUALITY, #SCIENTIFIC THINKING
Even though the language used has sometimes aged and certain turns of phrase may be surprising today, it is interesting to reread this work to understand Mr. Taylor’s approach.
M. Taylor describes in this book the principle of scientific management. He explains how, through a detailed analysis based on the observation of production techniques, the implementation of the best way to produce by involving the workers and by attributing more objective and motivating remunerations, it is possible to increase productivity considerably.
Much has been written since then about his approach, often unfortunately biased.
« LES 5S »
Takashi Osada, les 5S, ISBN 2-10-001937-6 / #LEAN, #5S / Verfügung in EN/FR
Seiri, Selton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke also translated by as “sort”, “set in order”, “shine”, “standardize”, and “sustain” constitutes the 5S. The reflexion and the reasons which are at the origin of the 5S practice are explained by its concepteur.
This book is illustrated with many examples and templates.